Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Portrait Diptych

For my portrait diptych work i used Rachel as my model. when i was first thinking of idea i thought of fashion so i though i would use this as my theme for all three of my portraits. In my first Portrait I have Rachel looking at herself and in one photo her hair is straight and normal like she wears it everyday however in the next one she added a clip to make it look a little "dressed up" and different from her natural routine. In my following picture i show her in the front and back to show her outfit and hair. In my orginal thoughts i was going to have Rachel wear a different shirt but i liked how these photos came out instead. My last picture is my favorite of all three because i really like how her make up looks. i worked really hard on that picture and i believe it is the best picture out of all three pairs.


  1. I realize it's difficult to during class, but over the course of the three day shoot I think this I idea could've been carried out better. She doesn't look all that different in the images. If you want to go from "every day" to "glam" you have to over exaggerate it.

  2. for example..

  3. This is my critique of your first dyptich photo

    I think this pair is okay but out of all of them I like this one the most because it is kind of like the model is looking at herself which is cool. For one reason I feel as though it was rushed and the idea was thought out more. It is simple in a way but because it wasn’t carried out enough it was hard to tell what was going on in the pair of photos. If I wouldn’t have read the description I wouldn’t have known what the idea was for this pair of photos. I feel as though when taking photos it should be somewhat easy for someone viewing your photos to be able to figure out what you were trying to do.
    I know she wanted to show her model in regular clothes and then dressed up but I think she could have put more into it. For me in the dressed up photo she doesn’t look that dressed up. Maybe she could have been wearing a dress with some nice jewelry or something. The model could have been dressier than what she is portraying. Other than that I think the pair came out okay not great. Just for future projects I think she should try to get her message out to the viewer a little bit clearer next time.
