Friday, March 25, 2011

traditional vs digital

Artists name: Rene Magritte
Title of Artwork: Son of Men
Date of Work: Unknown
In this photo the person is standing in front of a brick ledge. He is wearing a suit that is dark maybe black or blue. He has a white shirt on with a red tie and a hat. He is standing in front of some kind of body of water and he has an apple covering his face.

The artwork seems very organized. He is standing in the middle of it which makes it symmetrical. The colors go well together. You can tell the difference between the water and the sky and the apple shows mystery.

I think the artwork looks this way because Rene is trying to show us how people aren’t always what they seem. He might also have it this way because of the way his mother died.
I think of all his work is successful because it is all really original. Also his pictures make people think. Whenever I see one of his pictures I always think “what’s going on?” and that are what draws me to it. 

Artist Name: Salvador Dali
Title of Artwork: Exploding Clock
Date Of Work: Unknown

In this picture there is a broken clock. The clock is falling. Everything about this picture is broken. There seems to be a dead butterfly in the corner. It’s strange because even though the picture is messed up the background shows a beach which seems tranquil.
The Design is bright. Nothing seems dark about this. The shadows make it look more realistic as well. The sky is a good shade to because it shows that it’s in the evening but not exactly night time yet.

I think the artist was trying to show that even if a clock is broken time still moves. I think the picture represents that the artist believes time means nothing really. If he believed in time I think the clock would be perfectly fine. Or maybe the artist is trying to show that he himself doesn’t have enough time left.
I think this picture was done wonderfully because it really makes me think. I really like this picture because it reminds me of the quote “ that even a broken clock shows the correct time once a day” I really love this picture.  

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