Thursday, February 10, 2011

Anesel Adams
 This picture is by Anesel Adams. i chose this picture because I've heard of him before and because it reminds me of the journey I have accomplished to make it this far in life.

Gregory Credson

This picture is by Gregory Credson. I think it shows that this man is trying to fly. I think that flying is this man's dream and it makes me happy to think he isn't giving up on it.

This picture reminds me of a woman who is lost and trying to figure out life. It reminds me of myself because I'm lost right now, I'm graduating soon and leaving a place that has been home for four years to move on.

David Muench

This picture is by David Muench. I like this picture because of the look it has. This picture reminds of all the snow we have had this year and even though its a mess its still beautiful

Vincent Van Gogh
I really love this picture. I think I enjoy this picture so much because I love stars. I remember learning and seeing this picture in Elementry School and I just always liked it.

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